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Project Name: Gura Hydropower projects


Location: Kenya


Description: The project consists of the development of run-of-river hydro facilities with a capacity of 5.00 MW. Project Value is USD 13 Million. The project is own by KTDA.


The scope of Work: Project management and Cost Consultancy services for the EPC contractor (VS Hydro Pvt. Ltd.).


Project Name: Itare Dam Water Supply Project, Kenya


Location: Kenya

Description: This project comprises the following works: Bulk Transfer Pipeline - approximately 110 km of DN 1200 and DN 800 welded steel pipeline; ancillary works including staff housing, access roads and electricity supply ; Bulk Distribution Mains and Reservoirs (3000 and 5000 m3) - a bulk distribution system linking the existing and proposed distribution zones within the proposed project area.

The scope of Work: Tendering for sub-contract works. (The estimated value is USD 38 Mn)


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